
This dictionary aims to solve the problem of moving the cursor around. Unlike Plover’s default, this dictionary uses an arrow cluster made up of keys on the left side of the steno layout, in order to better simulate the WASD-cluster that you may be used to. This dictionary was designed on a Mac.


P- is up, W- is down, K- is left, and R- is right.

To move with any of the keys, you use either P, W, K, or R and *RB.

To move by word (adding the Option key), the right hand becomes *RBLT (LT for “Alt”.)

To select while moving (adding the Shift key), the right hand becomes *RBLG.

To select and jump by word (Shift and Option), use *RBLGS on the right hand.

To jump lines or to the top or bottom of the file (adding Command), use *RPB.

To move between spaces, use control combinations, use *RLGTS for the right hand.

Finally, for Control-Option combinations, use *RPBLT for the right hand.