
Stenography allows efficient text input and editing. Vim allows efficient text input and editing. This dictionary provides briefs for using the two together.


Most strokes use STPR to indicate vim (SR => V).

  • "SREUPL": Phonetic brief for “vim”.
  • "SR*EUPL": Restore brief for “victim” using additional star.
  • Punctuation with suppressed spaces to run vim commands (see also: unspaced punctuation dictionary):
    • "P-P": Unspaced period for vim’s “last edit” command.
    • "T*EULD": Unspaced tilde for capitalisation. That is, ~. This brief follows format for tilde TEULD with additional star.
    • "TPHRORB" => FLOSH: Unspaced dollar sign for end of line command.
    • HR*PB: Unspaced < for left indent.
    • TKPWR*PB: Unspaced > for right indent.
    • KW-L: Unspaced =.
    • OEU: Unspaced / for searching.
  • STPR and *, -B, -G, -R for vim style navigation keys hjkl:
    • "STPR*": h
    • "STPR-B": k
    • "STPR-G": l
    • "STPR-R": j
  • Move lines up and down in any mode:
    • .vimrc mappings are:

        " Move lines up/down using alt j/k when iTerm is set to:
        " Left option (⌥) key acts as Normal
        " In mapping, press opt/alt+j/k to type these characters
        nnoremap ∆ :m .+1<CR>
        nnoremap ˚ :m .-2<CR>
        inoremap ∆ <Esc>:m .+1<CR>gi
        inoremap ˚ <Esc>:m .-2<CR>gi
        vnoremap ∆ :m '>+1<CR>gv=gv
        vnoremap ˚ :m '<-2<CR>gv=gv
    • Briefs are:

      • "PHR-B" => MLB: Move line up using vim style navigation k.
      • "PHR-R" => MLR: Move line down using vim style navigation j.
  • "SPWAO*UT": Exit insert mode and start substitution. That is, Escape and :%s/.
  • "SR*F": Exit insert mode and run command to write buffer (i.e. save the file). That is, Escape, :w, and Return. Brief format follows brief for Save command "S*F".
  • "STPR*F": Exit insert mode and run command to write buffer (i.e. save the file). That is, Escape, :w, and Return. This alternative brief format follows brief for Save command "S*F" combined with brief format for most of these vim strokes using STPR.
  • "STPROEUFRL": Steno lookup shortcut that exits insert mode, yanks inside word to system clipboard (this might be Neovim only) using "yiw and runs my shortcut for steno lookup tool ⌃⌘⌥⇧s. Brief format combines vim brief and regular steno lookup brief STOEUFRL. To use your own shortcut, replace this part of the translation {#Control_L(Alt_L(Shift_L(Super_L(s))))} with your shortcut command.
  • "STPREFBG": Exit insert mode and prepare command to write buffer (i.e. save the file) and quit. That is, Escape and :x. Brief format follows vim brief format STPR and brief for Escape TPEFBK.
  • "STPR-FPLT": Exit insert mode and write unspaced colon to enter command mode. That is, Escape and :.
  • "STPR-L": Runs gt to go to next tab. Follows brief format of tabs from tab navigation dictionary.
  • "STPR-F": Runs gT to go to previous tab. Follows brief format of tabs from tab navigation dictionary.